Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 4--Vushtrri & Mitrovica: Tasting trout at Cafe Krapi

I left Hotel Sharri in Prevalle about mid-morning, and we drove in a fine mist all the way back to Prishtina. After getting settled at the professor´s guest house, we went on to Vushtrri to finalize the deal with renting the space for the ministry center.  After the agreement was made, it was time for coffee--my first of a few macchiatos today.

We met up with Isak from HandiKOS, and discussed our plans with the pensioners for Tuesday and Wednesday, again over a macchiato or two.  Have I mentioned how wonderful their coffee is over here?

Later, we drove north, on to Mitrovica to see Fetah and his family.  His son, Ensar, is the little boy with rickets that I met last year.  That meeting was a result of divine intervention in itself, and it has been nice to keep in touch with his father over the last year to hear how Ensar is doing.  We had an enjoyable visit in their home.  As a way of showing hospitality and gratitude, we were their guests at Restaurant Krapi, a very nice restaurant with great fish dishes.  We also had some of the local fare, which is very delicious as well.

It was a long day, but enjoyable.  I was able to reconnect with many acquaintances and will make a few more in the days ahead.  Tomorrow we go to the Kosovo Special Forces where I will lecture to the medical personnel and tour their nearly-completed medical unit on-site.  I foresee lots of opportunities for future educational programs here.  Medicines they´ve got.  Medical personnel they´ve got.  What they really want (and need) is more education...and that packs very well in a suitcase.

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