Sunday, September 9, 2012

Gettin' ready to go...

I wasn’t too keen on doing this by myself.  I put off buying my ticket until I was sure.  There would be a lot to do, and how much could I do by myself?  Maybe I should skip going this year,  give Banush time to get things organized, then take a team to Vushtrri later on.  I could graciously decline my accepted invitation to speak at the pain conference, and put off speaking to the medical staff at the Kosovo Land Forces.  But I was challenged by our Sunday School class recently that dealt with authentic community—when the real you meets real needs.  “…You can impress from a distance, but you impact by serving others up front and personal (and when its done for the right reasons).”  I was really challenged by that, and deep down I heard, “If not you, then who?”  For me, this was the confirmation I was looking for.

This encounter really changed my perspective.  Bottom line: it’s not about me.  It would have been much easier to pass on this year's trip, but serving is rarely comfortable, smooth, or convenient. I have the unique privilege of partnering with Kosovar believers by “loving God and serving people” from September 12-24.  

If you've been to Kosova before,  you know plans often change and change often, but my itinerary will look something like this:
September 13:  Arrive in Prishtina, travel to Prizren.
September 14:  Present a wound care seminar with Agron Bytyqi at the Regional Hospital in Prizren.
September 15:  Present two lectures at the 4th Annual International Conference for Pain Treatment in       
September 16: Worship and fellowship with Word Church in Vushtrri.
September 17:  Present medical seminar to medical personnel at the Kosovo Land Force Command 
                        Center in Prishtina.
September 18:  Vision screening and reading glasses distribution to pensioners in Vushtrri (thanks, Restoring 
September 19:  Medical clinic for pensioners in Vushtrri.
September 20 & 21:  Assist HandiKOS, the local social service agency in Vushtrri, shop then deliver                                     food parcels to disabled & disadvantaged families facing significant physical and 
                                 financial challenges.
September 22:  Meet and chat with high school students/young adults currently being mentored by Word 
September 23:  Worship and fellowship with Word Church in Vushtrri.
September 24:  Leave for home.

For the rest of the time, I will let God fill in the blanks, and I’m sure it will be nothing short of amazing!
Some have asked how you can help.  I’d covet your prayers for me (travel logistics, conference presentations, health, safety, serving enthusiastically) and for the nationals who will be involved in these projects.

I heard this quote recently, and it took me back to my very first trip to Kosova in 2003.  This really sums it up for me, and this is the reason I serve: 

"Sometimes I would like to ask God why he allows poverty, famine and injustice in the world, when He could do something about it...but I'm afraid He may ask me the same question."    

Have you ever noticed that this "Anonymous" person usually has some pretty profound things to say?  

Until next time,

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