Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Prishtina--Day 5: "Reporting for Duty, Sir!"

I awoke this morning to a symphony from the mosque´s imam, two dogs fighting, and a car alarm--all going off at the same time.  At least the imam can carry a tune...

Today I am to lecture to 15 medical personnel at the Land Force Command Center in Prishtina.  This was arranged via email with Sergeant-Major Fetah Zejnullahu several weeks before this meeting.  I met Col. Dr. Xhevdet Tahiraj this morning as we met for coffee (a preliminary requirement before conducting any kind of business in Kosova).  Imagine my surprise when I learned that they thought I came prepared to do a 5-day seminar instead of the 2 lectures I had prepared.  Since I have not perfected that "five-loaves-and-two-fish-miracle", they had to settle for three lectures spread over 2 days instead.

I may be biased, but I think the lectures went well.  Everyone seemed to appreciate the information, and I had an excellent translator, Diana, whom I met last year.  She works at the Command Center, so that was an added plus, since she knew who to go to to get things done.

After having lunch in the officer´s commissary, we were given a tour of the new military hospital by three of the doctors who attended the seminar.  The army is building this on-site, which is set to open early next year.  They have plans for this to be a very well-equipped 80-bed, full-service hospital.

Later, I helped Banush take some of the furniture and books to the new ministry center in Vushtrri.  We met with the young man who will arrange a meeting with some of the young people for Thursday night in Vushtrri.  All in all, this was a full and somewhat exhausting day.  After resting at the guest house for awhile, I decided to take a walk down to Mother Teresa Boulevard, have dinner at Rings, and people-watch.  It was a beautiful evening and everyone was enjoying themselves out on the plaza.  The hike back to the guesthouse was a bit challenging--seems like I could do it a little easier ten years ago!  That will be my cardio work-out for the day.

OK, for those who know me too well...what is wrong with this picture?
(That´s right...the Schweppe´s is almost gone!!)

Until next time, take care!


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