Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Vushtrri--Day 6: "I Can See Clearly Now..."

Today was our day to distribute reading glasses to the pensioners and other disadvantaged people in Vushtrri.  We were joined by three Campus Crusade Albania staff members who came to see what we were doing, and we quickly put them to work!

We were supposed to see about 85 people today, but ended up seeing 164!  Some of the stories a few of the people told us were quite touching.  One woman said, "This is the first time in my life I ever had glasses.  I needed them so much!"  Another commented, "My friend and I shared eyeglasses because we could never afford a pair for ourselves.  Now we each have a pair all to ourselves!"
It´s stories like this that really make this all worthwhile.  How often have I taken my eyesight (or my glasses) for granted... We used John 3:16 in different fonts for the reading charts, and the Campus Crusade staff had some time to share with a few of the people.

After a quick lunch of kebobs, tomatoes and spiced cabbage, we left to go back to the army base for the last lecture on chronic wound management.  Again, this was well-received, and we had a good discussion time regarding etiology, management, treatment plans, etc.  Afterwards, I made it official and presented each participant with a certificate of attendance, complete with signature and seal.  The photo shows most of the military medical personnel who participated in this conference.

With appreciation, Sergeant-Major Fetah also presented Banush and me with a plaque of the Kosovar Army insignia, thanking us for our involvement with the medical personnel over the past days.  The hope is to continue this partnership with on-going medical educational opportunities in the future.  With the start of their new hospital next year, they will need this.

We met with the three men from Campus Crusade Albania in the late afternoon over macchiatos (what else?) so Banush and the team leaders could discuss future ministry ideas for Vushtrri.  By this time of the day, a macchiato and a Schweppe´s tasted real good!  It was good to hear about all the ministry being planned for the Balkan region.

I walked to Banush´s apartment for dinner and stayed for a little visit.  His wife, Fitnete, makes the BEST Turkish coffee!  We discussed our all our schedule for tomorrow, which will make for another interesting day.

YAWN!!  It´s time to close.  I will write again when I can.
Naten e mire! (Good night!)


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